Spectator to life


Donning the role of a spectator

An indifferent one at that

While watching one’s life go by

With no feelings

Rather just an anticipation

Of what the screen will unfold next;

Not cold logic nor sentiment

Driving it


Just morbid curiosity;


From what’s going on

A spectator

To my life

I am.

1 thought on “Spectator to life

  1. I was wondering where did CR go..and what a way to get back..
    just recently have been wondering how I would feel to be my own corpse, just have a look at myself as If I am my own dead self looking at how my life would feel….

    Rambler, have been a bit busy of late
    Interesting thought, looking down at one’s own corpse, a bit chilling to contemplate, would one feel detached or remorseful or just plain glad one is free?


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